What We Offer

Cleaning Services:

cleaning a house

Intensive House Cleaning


man ironing cloth

Starching & Ironing

people picking up trash

Environmental Cleaning

people picking up trash

Dish Washing


Why Choose Us?

  • We're focused on your satisfaction and safety.

  • We use environmentally friendly cleaning products.

  • Our detail cleaning rotation system ensures every part of your space gets a deep cleaning.

  • We can come as often as you like, your cleaning schedule can be tailored to your needs.

  • We're focused on your satisfaction and safety.


For enquiries and consultation also reach out to our social media handles for better interactions.

Get In Touch

For more information and support, you can visit or contact us below

Lucas old road, Abraka, Delta , Nigeria

+234 814 706 2534

+234 708 696 9877


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